Webform.com Blog

Winding Down Webform.com

Published Feburary 2022. Updated November 22, 2022.

After 10 years, Webform.com is being discontinued as a hosted service.

Webform.com was founded with the intention that it could help fund the open-source version of the Drupal module. While the site did see some periods of substantial revenue, it has never generated enough income to actually pay for the develoment time of the service itself, let alone have profit enough to spend on maintaining the open-source module. After years of minimal maintenance, it's time to conceed that the service is not sustainable.

NOTICE: Fraudulent Charges

Between February 19, 2022 and February 22, 2022, an automated script (known as a "bot") started using the sign-up process of Webform.com to validate credit card numbers. This is sometimes used as a strategy by a malicious person to screen stolen credit card numbers for ones that are still valid.

Webform.com Release 1.17

It's been a while since we last posted a blog entry, but Webform.com is still seeing regular fixes and updates. Today we pushed out release 1.17, which includes a number of great fixes!

Webform.com Release 1.16

We're happy to announce today we released version 1.16 of Webform.com. Mandrill LogoRecently we've been getting an increased amount of outgoing mail marked as spam in people's inboxes. This mostly affected Gmail users, after increased strictness checking began at Google about a month ago.

Webform.com Release 1.15

We're excited to release version 1.15 of Webform.com! This new version includes extensive new features: Progress bars, preview pages, cloning fields, and new charts!

 Progress Bars and Submission Previews

Forms can now have progress bars indicating pages in the form! These highly customizeable bars can be shown as percentage of total, page break titles, and show/hide the overall bar. Options for progress bars are under the Form Settings tab while editing a webform.

Release 1.14: More than 100 options and better spam-prevention tools

Hi Everyone!

Tonight we rolled out a minor update that adds two new abilities when adding select lists, radio buttons, or checkboxes. The first of which is you can now add up to 500 options per field (up from 100).

Besides more options, you also now have the option to disable all defaults, allowing you to set up polls where the default-value bias can be eliminated.

Release 1.13: Direct to Google Drive Exporting

We're excited to announce that we've introduced a new powerful feature to export results directly to Google Drive (aka Google Docs) with a one-click exporter!

In addition to this new feature, we've also made some other smaller enhancements to the site:

Webform.com Release 1.12: Exporting!

Webform.com takes data-portability to a whole new level with full-site exporting.

Webform.com Release 1.11: Bug Fixes, Faster Servers

Hello Webformers!

We're a little belated with relaying the news in the latest update, it's a minor one for most users, but we'd thought you'd like to know. Webform.com Release includes the following changes:

Webform.com Release 1.10 - Site renaming

Ho there Webformers, it's been a while since our last update, but don't worry we have a lot of great features in the pipe. Today we released a minor update that adds the ability to rename an entire site domain. If you previously ran "rabbits.webform.com", but wanted to change your site name to something with broader appeal, you can now rename your site to "bunnies.webform.com".

To do this, visit your existing site, and click the "Settings" link in the header. The page is just like before, only a new link for "Click here to change your site URL." has been added.
