Make surveys crazy-fast with the Webform builder. Multiple pages, advanced widgets, uploads, and more!
Multiple Pages
Breaking your form into multiple pages can make it easier for you to categorize questions, and it also makes the form look less overwhelming to respondents.
With Webform.com, it's easy for people to respond to your survey. Distribute your survey via e-mail, Twitter, or Facebook.
HTML and Attachments in E-mails
Rich-text e-mails that can present a consistent interface and even include attachments right to your inbox.
Multiple E-mails
Send e-mails to both the recipient and the administrator who created the form. In fact you can set up as many e-mails to be sent per submission as you like!
Survey says! Get at-a-glance information about how many submissions you've received and what people are saying.
Each site's Dashboard gives administrators a quick look at recent forms and new submissions.
Computed Totals and Average
Each individual field automatically generates averages, totals, blanks/empties, and more.
It's your data after all. Export to CSV or Excel, or even get the entire SQL file to host yourself.
Export to Excel and CSV
Need more statistical analysis? You can easily export any individual forms result into multiple formats.