Webform.com Blog

Release 1.14: More than 100 options and better spam-prevention tools
Hi Everyone!
Tonight we rolled out a minor update that adds two new abilities when adding select lists, radio buttons, or checkboxes. The first of which is you can now add up to 500 options per field (up from 100).
Besides more options, you also now have the option to disable all defaults, allowing you to set up polls where the default-value bias can be eliminated.
Besides enhancements to option handling, we've also rolled out new spam-prevention tools to help prevent our service from being used by evil scammers and phishing attempts, which unfortunately is quite common in our free service. These new stricter rules shouldn't affect and users of our service, but if you find that your form has been marked with a terms of service violation, just drop us a line and we can get it straightened out.
It's been a quiet couple of months at Webform.com, but we've got a lot of great new features in the pipeline. Thanks for checking in!
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